We all knew this was going to happen,said Liz bRachun/b, spokeswoman for the University of Georgia health clinic, which has seen nearly 50 suspected swine flu cases in the last two weeks. b....../b Volume has been extremely light as many traders go on bvacation/b, adding to the market's recent choppiness. The day's economic news, including a slightly smaller-than-expected dip in initial unemployment claims and a benign reading on gross domestic product, did little to excite ...
Isti Beshir je dao CIA neprocenjive podatke o brojevima rachuna, pratiocima, porodici.... Bin Ladena, sto se niotkoga drugog nije moglo dobiti. To mu je kupilo 5 godina sto ga nisu dirali. Da li ti je sad ishta situacija jasnija? ...